CLAIRE “EGG” WHITE | Clara und die Party

Clara de Huevo. Uruguay 2021. Director: Sol Infante, Andrea Treszczan. 13 Min. Feature film. OV w/. Engl. Subs. and Ger. voice-over. Recommended from age 0.

Clara is get­ting rea­dy for a bir­th­day par­ty. Her mother is burs­t­ing with enthu­si­asm. Both are ner­vous becau­se it is Clara’s first par­ty. She often has to endu­re relent­less teasing at school. However, the­re is a pro­blem with the invi­ta­ti­on – and also with the truth.

FR, 1.10. | 2 p.m. | DFF Cinema
WE, 6.10. | 9 a.m. | DFF Cinema

This film is part of the short film pro­gram 1.

Extras and Mitmischen!

LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Educational material


2021 CLARA DE HUEVO (debut)


Andrea Treszczan is a screen­wri­ter and gra­dua­te in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sci­en­ces. She has writ­ten and direc­ted the play COLLAR DE PERRO, which has been sel­ec­ted by the Intendencia Municipal de Canelones. The play has won the Fund for the Strengthening of the Arts of the MEC 2020. 

Sol Infante is a pho­to­grapher and gra­dua­te in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sci­en­ces. She has work­ed as an audio­vi­su­al tech­ni­ci­an in short films, docu­men­ta­ries, video clips and other for­mats. She co-foun­ded and co-direc­ted the International Film and Human Rights Festival Tenemos Que Ver. 

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