DON’T JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH – »GET INVOLVED!«This is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in hands-on pro­jects befo­re, during and after the fes­ti­val week. »GET INVOLVED!« is about expe­ri­en­cing and under­stan­ding films in a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry way. In its 44th edi­ti­on the many work­shops and events will most­ly be able to take place in per­son. 

What is »GET INVOLVED!«?

Our own film sel­ec­tion, our pre­sen­ta­ti­on, my film review: The par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of young peo­p­le is very important to LUCAS. Regardless if you’re a new cine­ma lover or a pas­sio­na­te cine­phi­le from Frankfurt, the Rhein-Main area or Europe, school clas­ses or fes­ti­val guests – the­re are sui­ta­ble »GET INVOLVED!« pro­jects for anyo­ne who wants to get in touch with the medi­um of film. You can have exci­ting dis­cus­sions with film­ma­kers on eye level, in which you can explo­re why and how cine­ma lets us expe­ri­ence new worlds. »MITMISCHEN!« allows young peo­p­le to rea­li­ze many things about them­sel­ves and the world by expe­ri­en­cing inter­na­tio­nal film cul­tu­re in a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve set­ting. LUCAS puts an empha­sis on film liter­acy pro­jects, in which film lovers have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to explo­re their own ide­as, work methods and decis­i­ons whilst also deal­ing films in eit­her playful, ana­ly­ti­cal, par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry or intui­ti­ve ways.  

LUCAS Trennung

Film Talks In Advance

Quiet on set, we’re asking the ques­ti­ons! In the TV stu­dio of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main (MOK) young peo­p­le inter­view film­ma­kers who­se films are in the LUCAS com­pe­ti­ti­on. Ahead of time the­se upco­ming inter­view­ers get to prepa­re for their inter­views in work­shops by thin­king about  important ques­ti­ons to ask: Where did this sto­ry come from? What do cer­tain things stand for in the film? How did the actors prepa­re for their role? The pre-recor­ded Q&A is then available to watch during the fes­ti­val week in the locas cable net­work pro­gram of the MOK, in the Mediathek Hessen and on our fes­ti­val home­page. 

Click here to see the pre-recor­ded film dis­cus­sions. 

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672

LUCAS Trennung


Which films do I find good, and which not so much? And most important­ly: why? Writing a film review is about con­vin­cin­g­ly and con­fi­dent­ly expres­sing your opi­ni­on. That’s exact­ly what is offe­red at the Critics work­shop. During the fes­ti­val week, the­se young peo­p­le will watch films and then they attend a work­shop with film edu­ca­tor Lara Verschragen, who will help them ana­ly­ze aes­the­tic and nar­ra­ti­ve aspects of the­se films in the form of a film review. 

A fes­ti­val pass for the enti­re week is included. 

Age groups for LUCAS #45: 13 to 16 years of age.

Their results will be published here during the fes­ti­val week.

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672

LUCAS Trennung

Stadtteiljury Fechenheim

The Stadtteiljury is assem­bled in a dif­fe­rent neigh­bor­hood every year and con­sists of kids and teens who take part in this pro­ject to learn how to express them­sel­ves in indi­vi­du­al ways. In the pro­jectfirst imple­men­ta­ti­on, the focus will be put on film reviews and mul­ti­me­dia skills. LUCAS will be col­la­bo­ra­ting with the self-mana­ged JuZ Fechenheim e. V. and the Kinder- & Jugendhaus Fechenheim.
Anyone bet­ween the ages of ten and 14 years can par­ti­ci­pa­te. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts will watch short films during a week of work­shops in the sum­mer vaca­ti­on at the self-mana­ged JuZ Fechenheim e.V. In doing so they are able to prac­ti­ce their ana­ly­ti­cal film reviewing skills by working with dif­fe­rent media for­mats, such as pod­casts, inter­views, vlogs and many more. During the fes­ti­val the “Stadtteiljury” watches the short films scree­ned in com­pe­ti­ti­on, dis­cuss their opi­ni­ons, and final­ly choo­se a win­ner and award it in the offi­ci­al award cerem­o­ny – in their own spe­cial way with a mul­ti­me­dia lau­da­tio. For the fina­le of the pro­ject the “Stadtteiljury” pres­ents their work and win­ning short film in their Fechenheim neigh­bor­hood. This pro­ject has been made pos­si­ble through the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft.  

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672

LUCAS Trennung

Young European Cinephiles

The Young European Cinephiles is an annu­al­ly chan­ging group of young cine­phi­le Europeans, that cura­tes and pres­ents a film sel­ec­tion. As a result, they con­tri­bu­te youthful and inter­na­tio­nal ener­gy to LUCAS.  

As a part of the GET INVOLVED! pro­ject six teen­agers start working tog­e­ther in the months lea­ding up to the fes­ti­val to sel­ect their films. These young peo­p­le have alre­a­dy gai­ned expe­ri­ence at other film fes­ti­vals, film archi­ves or film insti­tu­ti­ons, thus making them know­led­geable cine­phi­les. During the fes­ti­val week the YECs pre­sent their film series which have been cura­ted accor­ding to a the­me or gen­re.  

This year’s teen­agers are from Georgia, Italy and Germany and they can hard­ly wait for in depth and exci­ting dis­cus­sions about their sel­ec­tion. The topic of LUCAS #45 is “Power”! 

More on the film series of the Young European Cinephiles.

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672


GB 1963. D: Peter Brook.


CA 2014. D: Xavier Dolan.


GE/FR/IT 2019. D: Uta Beria.

LUCAS Trennung

Film Patronships 

Draw the curtain for the film patrons! The patrons will pre­sent a movie out of the com­pe­ti­ti­on sel­ec­tion for our fes­ti­val audi­ence. The pre­pa­ra­ti­on will begin a few weeks in advan­ce at school: How has this film impac­ted us? What would we like to ask the pro­du­cer, direc­tor, or actors? Is the­re a key sce­ne that we could recrea­te our­sel­ves? How do we want to orga­ni­ze our scree­ning and pre­sen­ta­ti­on? In short, the­se young film lovers will be the experts for “their film” and they get to grapp­le with the medi­um of film with the gui­dance of pro­fes­sio­nals.  

Age groups: all
The online pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the film patrons for MISSION ULJA FUNK ser­ves as an example.

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672

LUCAS Trennung

Screen Talks

Get your ques­ti­ons ans­we­red! After cer­tain scree­ning young film lovers will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to fire ques­ti­ons at the film­ma­kers. Why did you choo­se that came­ra ang­le and why that type of music? These screen dis­cus­sions take place in a quiet work­shop room so that con­ver­sa­ti­ons can be as focu­sed as pos­si­ble. Along with a gui­ding film edu­ca­tor, the­se dis­cus­sions are an ide­al for­mat to share and exch­an­ge ide­as and thoughts pro­vo­ked by the film and to ask pro­fes­sio­nals the ques­ti­ons, you’ve always wan­ted to have ans­we­red.  

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672

LUCAS Trennung


What kind of film is con­side­red a clas­sic? That’s exact­ly what the­se young film lovers try to find out in the Classics. Class pro­ject. By scree­ning films throug­hout film histo­ry accor­ding to a cer­tain topic the­se kids and teen­agers dis­cuss how and why films can shape an enti­re gene­ra­ti­on. Fitting to an exhi­bit of the DFF, this year’s Classics.Class explo­res mile­sto­nes in film histo­ry and in doing so cura­tes a film sel­ec­tion, which will be scree­ned for LUCAS’ audi­ence. A 6th-gra­de class work­ed on the same topic as the cur­rent DFF exhi­bit: RAPTURE OF THE DEEP. Film under water.

More on the film series Classics.Class.

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672


NZ/DE 2002. D: Niki Caro.

LUCAS Trennung

Teaching Material

Experienced film edu­ca­tors wri­te film-spe­ci­fic tea­ching mate­ri­als for the films scree­ned in com­pe­ti­ti­ons 8+ and 13+, that tea­chers can use and incor­po­ra­te in their les­sons free of char­ge. They will also be digi­tal­ly sent via E‑Mail after a group boo­king. These mate­ri­als allow school groups and other groups to spend time actively thin­king about and working with the com­pe­ti­ti­on films in a way that cor­re­sponds with the DFFs film edu­ca­ti­on phi­lo­so­phy.  

The tea­ching mate­ri­als for the upco­ming fes­ti­val can be available here in ger­man language. 

Previous mate­ri­als can be found here

LUCAS Trennung


LUCAS films go on tour, which makes it pos­si­ble to take part in the LUCAS fes­ti­val all year round! This offer is not limi­t­ed to the loca­ti­on of the fes­ti­val cen­ter and the­r­e­fo­re helps the fes­ti­val pro­gram be more sus­tainable and app­re­cia­ted by cine­ma lovers. To make this pos­si­ble LUCAS works in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with DFF’s FILMmobil pro­ject, which takes pre­vious com­pe­ti­ti­on films on a jour­ney and inte­gra­tes them into exci­ting film edu­ca­ti­on pro­jects. Every year Eschborn is a must-stop loca­ti­on for LUCAS: A spe­cial occa­si­on for the local stu­dents to take part in a GET INVOLVED! pro­ject and expe­ri­ence hand-picked LUCAS films. 

Contact and consultation
Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672

LUCAS Trennung

Festival Reporter

Do you want to inter­view the film­ma­kers, cast and pro­du­cers of children’s and teen films, watch cur­rent films and expe­ri­ence life during a film fes­ti­val? If you’d like to expe­ri­ence the fast-paced life of a repor­ter and get clo­se to film­ma­kers, then the “fes­ti­val repor­ter” pro­ject is just right for you. A school class will be sup­port­ed by media edu­ca­tors as they orga­ni­ze ever­y­thing from a shoo­ting sche­du­le to their final report.
Their tea­cher will also be actively included in their pro­ject and gets to bene­fit from an all-day trai­ning offer by a pro­duc­tion team as well. Afterwards the finis­hed report will be broad­cas­ted and live­strea­med via the Offener Kanal Rhein-Main and will also be available on “Festival repor­ter” is a pro­ject offe­red by the Medienzentrum Offener Kanal (MOK) Rhein-Main in coope­ra­ti­on with LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers. 

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