LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers

#45 from October 6 to 13, 2022

Lights out and film on at LUCAS #45: From October 6 to 13, Germany’s oldest film fes­ti­val for young audi­en­ces pres­ents award-win­ning cine­ma­tic art for ever­yo­ne from four years old to 18plus. Families and film lovers of all ages can expect out­stan­ding cine­ma expe­ri­en­ces in Frankfurt, Offenbach, and Wiesbaden. School clas­ses, children’s and youth groups in Germany can also access the short films of the com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram via video-on-demand.

21 careful­ly cura­ted fea­ture films and a sel­ec­tion of short films (all of them German pre­mie­res) will com­pe­te for the cove­ted LUCAS awards. In addi­ti­on to the com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram, LUCAS pres­ents clas­sics of film histo­ry, short film pro­grams for the very youn­gest and other series, some of which are crea­ted by child­ren and young adults. During the fes­ti­val week, a spe­cial focus is on film talks, in which film­ma­kers from all over the world enter into dia­lo­gue with the audience.

Participation at LUCAS means “Get invol­ved!”. As mode­ra­tors, fes­ti­val repor­ters, film cri­tics, jury mem­bers, or cura­tors – young film fans are invi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a varie­ty of ways throug­hout the festival.

For repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the film indus­try, con­fe­ren­ces and panel dis­cus­sions take place that deal with topics of film edu­ca­ti­on and cur­rent trends in children’s and youth film production.

LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers is orga­ni­zed by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V.

LUCAS Trennung

Competitions & Awards


In the com­pe­ti­ti­on sec­tions 8+, 13+ and 16+ | Youngsters, LUCAS pres­ents a sel­ec­tion of out­stan­ding inter­na­tio­nal fea­ture films, docu­men­ta­ries, ani­ma­ti­ons, and expe­ri­men­tal films. A total of 21 fea­ture-length films and a sel­ec­tion of short films com­pe­te for the cove­ted LUCAS awards.

The fea­ture films have a run­ning time of more than 59 minu­tes and have not yet been shown in German cine­mas. A sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee tra­vels to fes­ti­vals and indus­try mee­tings to sel­ect com­pe­ti­ti­on ent­ries for the sec­tions 8+, 13+, and 16+ | Youngsters from the stron­gest cur­rent pro­duc­tions world­wi­de. It’s not pre­mie­re sta­tus, but qua­li­ty that counts!

With its short film com­pe­ti­ti­on, LUCAS has ear­ned its­elf a spe­cial repu­ta­ti­on in recent years. From the best inter­na­tio­nal sub­mis­si­ons of up to 30 minu­tes run­ning time, a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee puts tog­e­ther seve­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­grams for the 8+ and 13+ sec­tions, all of which are German premieres.


Section 8+

  • Best Feature Film (5,000 €) dona­ted by the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen
  • Best Short Film (2.000 €)

Section 13+

  • Best Feature Film (5.000 €)
  • Best Short Film (2.000 €)
  • Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement (2.000 €)

Section 16+ | Youngsters

  • LUCAS Youngsters Award (5.000 €)

Short film competition

  • »Stadtteiljury« Award

All Sections

  • ECFA-Award 
  • Audience Award 
  • MOZAIK Bridging the Borders Award
LUCAS Trennung

Selection Committee

To net­work LUCAS even bet­ter and to streng­then the lively exch­an­ge of the pro­gram the fes­ti­val has appoin­ted a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee for fea­ture films and one for short films to screen the films and sel­ect them for the sec­tions 8+, 13+ and 16+ | Youngsters. In addi­ti­on to Julia Fleißig, Head of LUCAS Film Festival, the com­mis­si­ons are made up of five other pro­ven film experts.

Selection Committee | Feature Film 

Kirsten Taylor
Editor, Film Educator & Author

Kirsten Taylor is a free­lan­ce edi­tor at the film edu­ca­ti­on por­tal and a film edu­ca­tor, pri­ma­ri­ly for the pro­ject “Filmklassiker sehen – Filme ver­ste­hen”, which has been run by the Deutsche Filmakademie sin­ce 2013. In addi­ti­on, she wri­tes film reviews and crea­tes film reports as well as film edu­ca­ti­on mate­ri­als. One focus of her work is on children’s and youth film.

Stefan Stiletto
Film Educator and Film Journalist

Stefan Stiletto is a film edu­ca­tor, film jour­na­list and edi­tor. He designs and crea­tes film edu­ca­ti­on mate­ri­al, wri­tes for Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, the Kinder- und Jugend-Filmportal and He runs trai­ning cour­ses for mul­ti­pli­ers and work­shops for child­ren and young peo­p­le on all kinds of edu­ca­tio­nal film topics.

Henning Adam
Berlinale Co-Production Market, FSK & FSF

As audi­tor of the FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft in Wiesbaden) and FSF (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen, Berlin), Henning Adam inten­si­ve­ly deals with issues of youth pro­tec­tion and media effects. He is invol­ved in the pro­duc­tion and eva­lua­ti­on of films in an inter­na­tio­nal con­text at the Berlinale Co-Production Market, whe­re he is co-respon­si­ble for the coope­ra­ti­on with the Frankfurt Book Fair. Among others, he pre­vious­ly work­ed for the film dis­tri­bu­tor Rapid Eye Movies in Cologne.

Selection Committee | Short Film 

Holger Twele
Journalist and Film Educator

Holger Twele is a free­lan­ce film jour­na­list and film edu­ca­tor and has work­ed for many years for the Bundesverband Jugend und Film, the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum and the Bundeszentrale für poli­ti­sche Bildung, among others.

Dr. Ursula Vossen
Producer & Author / HessenInvestFilm

Dr. Ursula Vossen has long-stan­ding expe­ri­ence as a pro­du­cer for tele­vi­si­on and film as well as in film pro­mo­ti­on. She is the aut­hor of num­e­rous books and artic­les on film studies.

LUCAS Trennung


The juries 8+ and 13+ are equal­ly com­po­sed of young film fans and indus­try pro­fes­sio­nals. They deci­de on the awar­ding of five LUCAS pri­zes in the com­pe­ti­ti­ons 8+ and 13+. A jury of young European film enthu­si­asts reward the LUCAS Youngsters Award to a film in the 16+ | Youngsters section.

An ECFA jury also awards an ECFA Award in the 8+ sec­tion, sin­ce 2018 Cinema wit­hout Borders has award­ed a pri­ze to a com­pe­ti­ti­on film and the audi­ence award is deci­ded by the fes­ti­val visitors.

Jury 8+

Maya Czirwitzky (12)
Schillerschule, Frankfurt


Maya has alre­a­dy par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the »Kritikfenster« in 2021. She enjoy­ed the work­shop so much that she appli­ed for the jury this year. The fact that she likes to dis­cuss films and to meet new peo­p­le in the pro­cess is a per­fect fit. Maya has litt­le con­nec­tion to  films that cau­se con­fu­si­on. She pre­fers films that enter­tain, in which peo­p­le expe­ri­ence ups and downs or their trust is put to the test.

Anir Hafnaoue (11)
Wöhlerschule, Frankfurt 


Anir is loo­king for­ward to the big screen at LUCAS. There he is not dis­tur­bed like at home by any dis­trac­tions. At the cine­ma he likes to watch action movies like UNCHARTED (US 2022. D: Ruben Fleischer) with his favo­ri­te actor Tom Holland. Good mafia movies from Italy also inspi­re him. Anir has often won­de­red what it’s like to rate films with others — at LUCAS he now has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to do so.

Moritz Diefenbach (11)
Campus Klarenthal, Wiesbaden


Moritz likes films that are based on a true sto­ry. such as ALS HITLER DAS ROSA KANINCHEN STAHL (DE/CH 2019, D: Caroline Link). At the same time, humor must not be negle­c­ted for him. Before the film beg­ins, Moritz is full of exci­te­ment and anti­ci­pa­ti­on. Especially when he goes to the cine­ma in such a cra­zy way as he did during one of his last vaca­ti­ons, when he was invi­ted to a small cine­ma under his hotel in Kiev.

Beate Völcker _ Lucas Jury

Beate Völcker (Germany)
Dramaturg and Author


Beate Völcker is a film dra­ma­tur­ge and screen­wri­ter spe­cia­li­zing in children’s film. She also works as a con­sul­tant for Film Education at the Berlin-Brandenburg State Institute for Schools and Media, whe­re she leads the Brandenburg Children’s Film Festival, among other things.


Rochus Wolff (Germany)
Film Critic, Author and Lecturer


Rochus Wolff has stu­di­ed German and gen­der stu­dies in Bonn, Oxford and Berlin. For almost ten years, he has devo­ted hims­elf pri­ma­ri­ly to children’s film; he publishes, among others, at Kino-Zeit, in Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, on the Kinder- und Jugendfilmportal as well as in his blog With “33 bes­te Kinderfilme” and “100 Kinder Filme für alle Tage”. Wolff has alre­a­dy published two books on children’s films.

Robert Scheffner

Robert Scheffner (Germany)
Author, Illustrator and Filmmaker


Robert Scheffner works as an aut­hor, illus­tra­tor and film­ma­ker. Currently, he is with his short film MORTIMER UND DIE VERSCHWUNDENEN DINGE on a fes­ti­val tour, which he pro­du­ced tog­e­ther with the com­pa­ny PixelPEC. He wri­tes and illus­tra­tes children’s books, curr­ent­ly he is working  with the sin­ger Maite Kelly. Since 2014, Scheffner has been tea­ching at the European School of Design in Frankfurt.

Jury 13+

Vincent Eckert (15) 
Heinrich-von-Gagern-Gymnasium, Frankfurt


When Vincent sits in the movie thea­ter and the lights go out, he feels like he’s in a trance. He also hopes for that uni­que fee­ling, good sto­rytel­ling and a lot of emo­ti­ons and exci­te­ment when he can watch the com­pe­ti­ti­on films of LUCAS in October. He won’t see his favo­ri­te actor Chris Evans the­re, but hop­eful­ly his fami­ly, with whom he other­wi­se loves to go to the movies.

Aaron Deubel (14)
Rudolf-Koch-Schule, Offenbach 


Aaron loves films with a spe­cial aes­the­tic. The cine­ma of the DFF has alre­a­dy left a las­ting impres­si­on on him. When he saw LA DOLCE VITA (IT/ FR 1960. D: Federico Fellini) in the cine­ma, his favo­ri­te film was cer­tain. Especially the gre­at acting of Marcello Mastroianni con­vin­ced him. As a mem­ber of the LUCAS jury, he is loo­king for­ward to the lively exch­an­ge about the films of the com­pe­ti­ti­on 13+ and wants to eva­lua­te them with a “new” view.

Nina Schinzel (16)
Friedrich-Dessauer-Gymnasium, Aschaffenburg


Nina pays spe­cial atten­ti­on to the details that make a film uni­que. Her favo­ri­te film GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (US/DE 2014, D: Wes Anderson) falls exact­ly into this cate­go­ry. The sym­me­tri­cal struc­tu­re of the images real­ly impres­sed Nina. Although she wat­ches more movies at home, she feels that strea­ming can­not com­pe­te with going to the cine­ma. She would like to see more films that tell sto­ries about dif­fe­rent countries.


Maria-Christina Villasenor (USA)
Program Director and Curator


Maria-Christina Villaseñor is pro­gram direc­tor of the New York International Children’s Film Festival. For the Guggenheim Museums in New York, Berlin and Bilbao, she has cura­ted film and media art exhi­bi­ti­ons. She has also ser­ved on num­e­rous juries, among others at the film fes­ti­vals DOK Leipzig and Cinekid in Amsterdam.


Becky Parry (England)
University lec­tu­rer, ECFA board member


Becky Parry is a lec­tu­rer at the University of Sheffield. There she crea­ted the master’s pro­gram Digital Literacies, Culture and Education in the Department of Education. Parry’s rese­arch focus is on the media cul­tures of child­ren. She also works as an inde­pen­dent art edu­ca­tor and is a mem­ber of the ECFA board.

Federico Ferrari

Federico Ferrari (Italy)
Journalist and fes­ti­val direc­tor 


Federico Ferrari stu­di­ed histo­ry and works as a jour­na­list. After his stu­dies he con­cen­tra­ted his rese­arch on the inte­gra­ti­on of audio­vi­su­al media into the tra­di­tio­nal school cur­ri­cu­lum. Until 2021 he work­ed for the Italian youth orga­niza­ti­on of the UNESCO in the are­as of Education, Science, cul­tu­re and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Ferrari is foun­der and artis­tic direc­tor of the Ennesimo Film Festival.


Daria Eckes (Neu)

Daria Eckes (16, Germany)


Daria can immer­se hers­elf in the world of film and be enchan­ted by the moving images. The pia­no play­er pays spe­cial atten­ti­on to an inte­res­t­ing plot, the cha­rac­ters and the music in film.  In her free time, Daria is acti­ve in thea­ter. She can ima­gi­ne tur­ning her hob­by into a pro­fes­si­on. As a jury mem­ber, she looks for­ward to mee­ting new peo­p­le and exchan­ging ide­as about films.


Mariesofi Bartzioti (18, Greece)


Marisofi hopes to have an unfor­gettable time at LUCAS with peo­p­le who share her inte­rests. Why do films play an important role for her? From From her point of view, they help, espe­ci­al­ly, child­ren and young peo­p­le in their self-dis­­co­­very. Films like TO THE BONE (US 2017, D: Marti Noxon), which are based on true events stick in her memo­ries the lon­gest. Marisofi is also fond of roman­tic films.

DSC_0975 Leo Bong

Leo Bong (18, Germany)


When he is not wat­ching them, Leo thinks about films that could still be could be pro­du­ced. Thanks to TWIN PEAKS (US 1990/91. D: David Lynch) and PARASITE (KR 2019, R: Bong Joon-ho) he takes on films in a new way. The coo­le­st sen­tence in film histo­ry? For Leo defi­ni­te­ly ‘I have come here to chew bubble­gum and kick ass — and now I’m all out of bubble gum’ from John Carpenter’s THEY LIVE (US 1988).


Frane Pekica (18, Croatia)


Addicted to film? Franes par­ents at least have the impres­si­on that their son can’t get enough of good film mate­ri­al. Almost every day he wat­ches one or two movies. Whether it’s new or old, it does­n’t mat­ter. Much more important are the emo­ti­ons that the film con­veys. However, Frane thinks not only about what he has seen, but also makes short docu­men­ta­ries about peo­p­le from his home­town Pula.


Ivan Škorić (17, Croatia)


When Ivan dis­co­ver­ed Ingmar Bergman’s PERSONA (SE 1966), it spark­ed his love for cine­ma­to­gra­phy. And yet he is not only inte­res­ted in a cer­tain kind of film. Every now and then he wat­ches films that he nor­mal­ly would not like, to get out of his com­fort zone out and broa­den his tas­te in movies. Ultimately, it’s about losing yours­elf in the film and almost for­get­ting that you’­re wat­ching a movie.

Anda (neu)

Anda Panagiotakopoulou (17, Greece)


After a stressful day at school, for Anda the cine­ma is just the right place to switch off at. If a good plot with extra­or­di­na­ry per­for­man­ces is wai­ting for her, the evening is then saved. Cinema, from Anda’s point of view,  can draw atten­ti­on to cer­tain pro­blems in socie­ty and give young peo­p­le the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know new cul­tures and other points of view.


The jury of the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA) con­sists of European experts from the children’s and youth film sce­ne. This year, Beate Völcker (Jury 8+), Becky Parry and Federico Ferrari (both Jury 13+) pre­sent the ECFA Award to their favo­ri­te European children’s film. The award qua­li­fies the films for the annu­al com­pe­ti­ti­on for the “Best European Children’s Film of the Year” award, which is pre­sen­ted during the Berlin International Film Festival.

Beate Völcker _ Lucas Jury

Beate Völcker (Germany)
Dramaturg and author


Becky Parry (England)
University lec­tu­rer, ECFA board member

Federico Ferrari

Federico Ferrari (Italy)
Journalist and fes­ti­val direc­tor 

Cinema Without Borders

»Cinema Without Borders« is an inter­na­tio­nal net­work of peo­p­le from the film indus­try that pro­mo­tes diver­si­ty, inclu­si­on and social jus­ti­ce in film indus­try. “Cinema Without Borders annu­al­ly pres­ents the »MOZAIK Bridging the Borders Award« at sel­ec­ted film fes­ti­vals. The award reco­gni­zes films that con­nect peo­p­le across geo­gra­phic, reli­gious, eth­nic, cul­tu­ral and eco­no­mic boun­da­ries and address issues of social justice.

The mem­bers of the 2022 Cinema Without Borders jury are: Keeley Badger, Susan Morgan Cooper, Jan Cvitkovič, Yeganeh Taheri, Bijan Tehrani.

Stadtteiljury Fechenheim

The »Stadtteiljury Fechenheim« is made up of young peo­p­le aged ten and over from one of Frankfurt’s neigh­bor­hoods. This year, the jury was for­med in Fechenheim. During a one-week work­shop, the child­ren and young peo­p­le prepa­re for their jury work during the fes­ti­val week. At the end of the fes­ti­val, they sel­ect a win­ning film from the short film com­pe­ti­ti­on. The pro­ject offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­bi­ne a look at film with various cul­tu­ral, artis­tic and crea­ti­ve forms of expres­si­on. This includes film reviews, pod­casts, inter­views and much more. Frankfurt’s young, diver­se voices are thus given the hea­ring they deser­ve. The »Stadtteiljury« is spon­so­red by the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft.

LUCAS Trennung

Film Guests

LUCAS wel­co­mes num­e­rous film guests on site at the cine­ma. All film scree­nings are accom­pa­nied by film media­tors. In addi­ti­on, film talks in advan­ce have been recor­ded of 7 com­pe­ti­ti­ve films as part of a “Get Involved!” pro­ject. Young LUCAS alum­ni inter­view­ed inter­na­tio­nal film­ma­kers in the TV stu­dio of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main.

FR, 7.10.2022
Headshot_©Niklas Bauer

Niklas Bauer, direc­tor of the short film MR. PURR’S MAGICAL SUITCASE (Competition short film 8+)

Guest at the cine­ma: 8:45 a.m. | Cinéma

©Sense Production38

Klara Hrvanović, actress of the film HOW I LEARNED TO FLY (Competition 8+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma


Ruth Olshan, direc­tor of the film RASBERRIES WITH MUSTARD (Competition 8+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 11 a.m. | Caligari FilmBühne


Lorena Zilleruelo, direc­tor of the film I’M A BOY (Competition 8+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 4 p.m. | DFF Cinema


Mariana Bastos, direc­tor of the film RAQUEL 1:1 (Competition 16+ | Youngsters)

Guest at the cine­ma: 8:30 p.m. | DFF cinema

SA, 8.10.2022

Lorena Zilleruelo, direc­tor of the film I’M A BOY (Competition 13+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 10 a.m. | Cinéma

©Sense Production38

Klara Hrvanović, actress of the film HOW I LEARNED TO FLY (Competition 8+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 2:30 p.m. | Caligari FilmBühne

SU, 9.10.2022
Robert Scheffner

Robert Scheffner, direc­tor of the film MORTIMER AND THE VANISHINGS  (LUCAS for families)

Guest at the cine­ma: 1 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Arek Gielnik, pro­du­cer of the film LUCY WANTED (Competition 8+ | Feature Film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 2 p.m. | DFF Cinema

© Swedish Filminstitute | Quelle: DFF

Sigrid Johnson, actress of the film COMEDY QUEEN (Competition 13+ | Feature film)

Guest online: 4 p.m. | DFF Cinema


Christoffer Sandler, direc­tor of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING (Competition 13+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Nikki Hanseblad, actress of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING

Guest online: 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

BLAZE_2_Del Kathryn Barton (c) Anna Kucera

Del Kathryn Barton, direc­tor of the film BLAZE (Competition 16+ | Youngsters)

Guest online: 8:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

MO, 10.10.2022

Christoffer Sandler, direc­tor of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING (Competition 13+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 8:30 a.m. | Cinéma


Michael van Ostade, direc­tor, Screenwriter and Actor of the film THE GHASTLY BROTHERS (Competition 8+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Screenshot (52)

Sara Sjøø, screen­wri­ter of the film MINI-ZLATAN AND UNCLE DARLING (Competition 8+ | Feature film)

Guest online: 11 a.m. | DFF Cinéma


Mayye Zayed, direc­tor of the film LIFT LIKE A GIRL (360°)

Guest online: 4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Yara Storp

Yara Storp, actress of the film ONE IN A MILLION (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

TU, 11.10.2022

Olad Aden is an African-German-American Street Social Worker, Photographer and Videographer based in Berlin, Germany. In this capa­ci­ty he has initia­ted and faci­li­ta­ted a num­ber of youth exch­an­ge pro­grams like “The BronxBerlinConnection“. Together with a group of Social Workers and tea­ching artists he has been con­duc­ting the pro­ject „ZwischenWelten“ in the youth detenti­on faci­li­ty Berlin.
He is a Guest for the film THE CAVE OF ADULLAM (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 9 a.m. | DFF Cinema


Christoffer Sandler, direc­tor of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING (Competition 13+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 10:30 a.m. | Cinéma


Michael van Ostade, direc­tor, screen­wri­ter and actor of the film THE GHASTLY BROTHERS (Competition 8+ | Feature film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma and 2 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Yara Storp

Yara Storp, actress of the film ONE IN A MILLION (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 11 a.m. | DFF Cinema

WE, 12.10.2022
Yara Storp

Yara Storp, actress of the film ONE IN A MILLION (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 9:45 a.m. | Kino im Hafen 2


Olad Aden is an African-German-American Street Social Worker, Photographer and Videographer based in Berlin, Germany. In this capa­ci­ty he has initia­ted and faci­li­ta­ted a num­ber of youth exch­an­ge pro­grams like “The BronxBerlinConnection“. Together with a group of Social Workers and tea­ching artists he has been con­duc­ting the pro­ject „ZwischenWelten“ in the youth detenti­on faci­li­ty Berlin.
He is a Guest for the film THE CAVE OF ADULLAM (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma

TH, 13.10.2022

Olad Aden is an African-German-American Street Social Worker, Photographer and Videographer based in Berlin, Germany. In this capa­ci­ty he has initia­ted and faci­li­ta­ted a num­ber of youth exch­an­ge pro­grams like “The BronxBerlinConnection“. Together with a group of Social Workers and tea­ching artists he has been con­duc­ting the pro­ject „ZwischenWelten“ in the youth detenti­on faci­li­ty Berlin.
He is a Guest for the film THE CAVE OF ADULLAM (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)

Guest at the cine­ma: 8 a.m. | Cinéma

LUCAS Trennung

Sponsors & Partners 2022


LUCAS welcomes its guests to

and online in coope­ra­ti­on with

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