LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers
#45 from October 6 to 13, 2022
Lights out and film on at LUCAS #45: From October 6 to 13, Germany’s oldest film festival for young audiences presents award-winning cinematic art for everyone from four years old to 18plus. Families and film lovers of all ages can expect outstanding cinema experiences in Frankfurt, Offenbach, and Wiesbaden. School classes, children’s and youth groups in Germany can also access the short films of the competition program via video-on-demand.
21 carefully curated feature films and a selection of short films (all of them German premieres) will compete for the coveted LUCAS awards. In addition to the competition program, LUCAS presents classics of film history, short film programs for the very youngest and other series, some of which are created by children and young adults. During the festival week, a special focus is on film talks, in which filmmakers from all over the world enter into dialogue with the audience.
Participation at LUCAS means “Get involved!”. As moderators, festival reporters, film critics, jury members, or curators – young film fans are invited to participate in a variety of ways throughout the festival.
For representatives of the film industry, conferences and panel discussions take place that deal with topics of film education and current trends in children’s and youth film production.
LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers is organized by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V.

Competitions & Awards
In the competition sections 8+, 13+ and 16+ | Youngsters, LUCAS presents a selection of outstanding international feature films, documentaries, animations, and experimental films. A total of 21 feature-length films and a selection of short films compete for the coveted LUCAS awards.
The feature films have a running time of more than 59 minutes and have not yet been shown in German cinemas. A selection committee travels to festivals and industry meetings to select competition entries for the sections 8+, 13+, and 16+ | Youngsters from the strongest current productions worldwide. It’s not premiere status, but quality that counts!
With its short film competition, LUCAS has earned itself a special reputation in recent years. From the best international submissions of up to 30 minutes running time, a selection committee puts together several competition programs for the 8+ and 13+ sections, all of which are German premieres.
Section 8+
- Best Feature Film (5,000 €) donated by the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen
- Best Short Film (2.000 €)
Section 13+
- Best Feature Film (5.000 €)
- Best Short Film (2.000 €)
- Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement (2.000 €)
Section 16+ | Youngsters
- LUCAS Youngsters Award (5.000 €)
Short film competition
- »Stadtteiljury« Award
All Sections
- ECFA-Award
Audience Award
- MOZAIK Bridging the Borders Award

Selection Committee
To network LUCAS even better and to strengthen the lively exchange of the program the festival has appointed a selection committee for feature films and one for short films to screen the films and select them for the sections 8+, 13+ and 16+ | Youngsters. In addition to Julia Fleißig, Head of LUCAS Film Festival, the commissions are made up of five other proven film experts.
Kirsten Taylor
Editor, Film Educator & Author
Kirsten Taylor is a freelance editor at the film education portal and a film educator, primarily for the project “Filmklassiker sehen – Filme verstehen”, which has been run by the Deutsche Filmakademie since 2013. In addition, she writes film reviews and creates film reports as well as film education materials. One focus of her work is on children’s and youth film.
Stefan Stiletto
Film Educator and Film Journalist
Stefan Stiletto is a film educator, film journalist and editor. He designs and creates film education material, writes for Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, the Kinder- und Jugend-Filmportal and He runs training courses for multipliers and workshops for children and young people on all kinds of educational film topics.
Henning Adam
Berlinale Co-Production Market, FSK & FSF
As auditor of the FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft in Wiesbaden) and FSF (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen, Berlin), Henning Adam intensively deals with issues of youth protection and media effects. He is involved in the production and evaluation of films in an international context at the Berlinale Co-Production Market, where he is co-responsible for the cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair. Among others, he previously worked for the film distributor Rapid Eye Movies in Cologne.

The juries 8+ and 13+ are equally composed of young film fans and industry professionals. They decide on the awarding of five LUCAS prizes in the competitions 8+ and 13+. A jury of young European film enthusiasts reward the LUCAS Youngsters Award to a film in the 16+ | Youngsters section.
An ECFA jury also awards an ECFA Award in the 8+ section, since 2018 Cinema without Borders has awarded a prize to a competition film and the audience award is decided by the festival visitors.
Jury 8+

Maya Czirwitzky (12)
Schillerschule, Frankfurt
Maya has already participated in the »Kritikfenster« in 2021. She enjoyed the workshop so much that she applied for the jury this year. The fact that she likes to discuss films and to meet new people in the process is a perfect fit. Maya has little connection to films that cause confusion. She prefers films that entertain, in which people experience ups and downs or their trust is put to the test.

Anir Hafnaoue (11)
Wöhlerschule, Frankfurt
Anir is looking forward to the big screen at LUCAS. There he is not disturbed like at home by any distractions. At the cinema he likes to watch action movies like UNCHARTED (US 2022. D: Ruben Fleischer) with his favorite actor Tom Holland. Good mafia movies from Italy also inspire him. Anir has often wondered what it’s like to rate films with others — at LUCAS he now has the opportunity to do so.

Moritz Diefenbach (11)
Campus Klarenthal, Wiesbaden
Moritz likes films that are based on a true story. such as ALS HITLER DAS ROSA KANINCHEN STAHL (DE/CH 2019, D: Caroline Link). At the same time, humor must not be neglected for him. Before the film begins, Moritz is full of excitement and anticipation. Especially when he goes to the cinema in such a crazy way as he did during one of his last vacations, when he was invited to a small cinema under his hotel in Kiev.

Beate Völcker (Germany)
Dramaturg and Author
Beate Völcker is a film dramaturge and screenwriter specializing in children’s film. She also works as a consultant for Film Education at the Berlin-Brandenburg State Institute for Schools and Media, where she leads the Brandenburg Children’s Film Festival, among other things.

Rochus Wolff (Germany)
Film Critic, Author and Lecturer
Rochus Wolff has studied German and gender studies in Bonn, Oxford and Berlin. For almost ten years, he has devoted himself primarily to children’s film; he publishes, among others, at Kino-Zeit, in Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, on the Kinder- und Jugendfilmportal as well as in his blog With “33 beste Kinderfilme” and “100 Kinder Filme für alle Tage”. Wolff has already published two books on children’s films.

Robert Scheffner (Germany)
Author, Illustrator and Filmmaker
Robert Scheffner works as an author, illustrator and filmmaker. Currently, he is with his short film MORTIMER UND DIE VERSCHWUNDENEN DINGE on a festival tour, which he produced together with the company PixelPEC. He writes and illustrates children’s books, currently he is working with the singer Maite Kelly. Since 2014, Scheffner has been teaching at the European School of Design in Frankfurt.
Jury 13+

Vincent Eckert (15)
Heinrich-von-Gagern-Gymnasium, Frankfurt
When Vincent sits in the movie theater and the lights go out, he feels like he’s in a trance. He also hopes for that unique feeling, good storytelling and a lot of emotions and excitement when he can watch the competition films of LUCAS in October. He won’t see his favorite actor Chris Evans there, but hopefully his family, with whom he otherwise loves to go to the movies.

Aaron Deubel (14)
Rudolf-Koch-Schule, Offenbach
Aaron loves films with a special aesthetic. The cinema of the DFF has already left a lasting impression on him. When he saw LA DOLCE VITA (IT/ FR 1960. D: Federico Fellini) in the cinema, his favorite film was certain. Especially the great acting of Marcello Mastroianni convinced him. As a member of the LUCAS jury, he is looking forward to the lively exchange about the films of the competition 13+ and wants to evaluate them with a “new” view.

Nina Schinzel (16)
Friedrich-Dessauer-Gymnasium, Aschaffenburg
Nina pays special attention to the details that make a film unique. Her favorite film GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (US/DE 2014, D: Wes Anderson) falls exactly into this category. The symmetrical structure of the images really impressed Nina. Although she watches more movies at home, she feels that streaming cannot compete with going to the cinema. She would like to see more films that tell stories about different countries.

Maria-Christina Villasenor (USA)
Program Director and Curator
Maria-Christina Villaseñor is program director of the New York International Children’s Film Festival. For the Guggenheim Museums in New York, Berlin and Bilbao, she has curated film and media art exhibitions. She has also served on numerous juries, among others at the film festivals DOK Leipzig and Cinekid in Amsterdam.

Becky Parry (England)
University lecturer, ECFA board member
Becky Parry is a lecturer at the University of Sheffield. There she created the master’s program Digital Literacies, Culture and Education in the Department of Education. Parry’s research focus is on the media cultures of children. She also works as an independent art educator and is a member of the ECFA board.

Federico Ferrari (Italy)
Journalist and festival director
Federico Ferrari studied history and works as a journalist. After his studies he concentrated his research on the integration of audiovisual media into the traditional school curriculum. Until 2021 he worked for the Italian youth organization of the UNESCO in the areas of Education, Science, culture and communication. Ferrari is founder and artistic director of the Ennesimo Film Festival.

Daria Eckes (16, Germany)
Daria can immerse herself in the world of film and be enchanted by the moving images. The piano player pays special attention to an interesting plot, the characters and the music in film. In her free time, Daria is active in theater. She can imagine turning her hobby into a profession. As a jury member, she looks forward to meeting new people and exchanging ideas about films.

Mariesofi Bartzioti (18, Greece)
Marisofi hopes to have an unforgettable time at LUCAS with people who share her interests. Why do films play an important role for her? From From her point of view, they help, especially, children and young people in their self-discovery. Films like TO THE BONE (US 2017, D: Marti Noxon), which are based on true events stick in her memories the longest. Marisofi is also fond of romantic films.

Leo Bong (18, Germany)
When he is not watching them, Leo thinks about films that could still be could be produced. Thanks to TWIN PEAKS (US 1990/91. D: David Lynch) and PARASITE (KR 2019, R: Bong Joon-ho) he takes on films in a new way. The coolest sentence in film history? For Leo definitely ‘I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass — and now I’m all out of bubble gum’ from John Carpenter’s THEY LIVE (US 1988).

Frane Pekica (18, Croatia)
Addicted to film? Franes parents at least have the impression that their son can’t get enough of good film material. Almost every day he watches one or two movies. Whether it’s new or old, it doesn’t matter. Much more important are the emotions that the film conveys. However, Frane thinks not only about what he has seen, but also makes short documentaries about people from his hometown Pula.

Ivan Škorić (17, Croatia)
When Ivan discovered Ingmar Bergman’s PERSONA (SE 1966), it sparked his love for cinematography. And yet he is not only interested in a certain kind of film. Every now and then he watches films that he normally would not like, to get out of his comfort zone out and broaden his taste in movies. Ultimately, it’s about losing yourself in the film and almost forgetting that you’re watching a movie.

Anda Panagiotakopoulou (17, Greece)
After a stressful day at school, for Anda the cinema is just the right place to switch off at. If a good plot with extraordinary performances is waiting for her, the evening is then saved. Cinema, from Anda’s point of view, can draw attention to certain problems in society and give young people the opportunity to get to know new cultures and other points of view.
The jury of the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA) consists of European experts from the children’s and youth film scene. This year, Beate Völcker (Jury 8+), Becky Parry and Federico Ferrari (both Jury 13+) present the ECFA Award to their favorite European children’s film. The award qualifies the films for the annual competition for the “Best European Children’s Film of the Year” award, which is presented during the Berlin International Film Festival.

Beate Völcker (Germany)
Dramaturg and author

Becky Parry (England)
University lecturer, ECFA board member

Federico Ferrari (Italy)
Journalist and festival director
Cinema Without Borders
»Cinema Without Borders« is an international network of people from the film industry that promotes diversity, inclusion and social justice in film industry. “Cinema Without Borders annually presents the »MOZAIK Bridging the Borders Award« at selected film festivals. The award recognizes films that connect people across geographic, religious, ethnic, cultural and economic boundaries and address issues of social justice.
The members of the 2022 Cinema Without Borders jury are: Keeley Badger, Susan Morgan Cooper, Jan Cvitkovič, Yeganeh Taheri, Bijan Tehrani.
Stadtteiljury Fechenheim
The »Stadtteiljury Fechenheim« is made up of young people aged ten and over from one of Frankfurt’s neighborhoods. This year, the jury was formed in Fechenheim. During a one-week workshop, the children and young people prepare for their jury work during the festival week. At the end of the festival, they select a winning film from the short film competition. The project offers the opportunity to combine a look at film with various cultural, artistic and creative forms of expression. This includes film reviews, podcasts, interviews and much more. Frankfurt’s young, diverse voices are thus given the hearing they deserve. The »Stadtteiljury« is sponsored by the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft.

Film Guests
LUCAS welcomes numerous film guests on site at the cinema. All film screenings are accompanied by film mediators. In addition, film talks in advance have been recorded of 7 competitive films as part of a “Get Involved!” project. Young LUCAS alumni interviewed international filmmakers in the TV studio of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main.
THE GHASTLY BROTHERS | Michael and Andrew van Ostade (Director, Screenwriters, Actors)
SO DAMN EASY GOING | Christoffer Sandler (Director)
RAQUEL 1:1 | Mariana Bastos (Director and Screenwriter)
ONE IN A MILLION | Joya Thome (Director)
RASBEERIES WITH MUSTARD | Ruth Olshan (Director, Screenwriter) and Heike Fink (Screenwriter)
DOUNIA & THE PRINCESS OF ALEPPO | Marya Zarif (Director)

Niklas Bauer, director of the short film MR. PURR’S MAGICAL SUITCASE (Competition short film 8+)
Guest at the cinema: 8:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Klara Hrvanović, actress of the film HOW I LEARNED TO FLY (Competition 8+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Ruth Olshan, director of the film RASBERRIES WITH MUSTARD (Competition 8+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 11 a.m. | Caligari FilmBühne

Lorena Zilleruelo, director of the film I’M A BOY (Competition 8+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Mariana Bastos, director of the film RAQUEL 1:1 (Competition 16+ | Youngsters)
Guest at the cinema: 8:30 p.m. | DFF cinema

Lorena Zilleruelo, director of the film I’M A BOY (Competition 13+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 10 a.m. | Cinéma

Klara Hrvanović, actress of the film HOW I LEARNED TO FLY (Competition 8+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 2:30 p.m. | Caligari FilmBühne

Robert Scheffner, director of the film MORTIMER AND THE VANISHINGS (LUCAS for families)
Guest at the cinema: 1 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Arek Gielnik, producer of the film LUCY WANTED (Competition 8+ | Feature Film)
Guest at the cinema: 2 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Sigrid Johnson, actress of the film COMEDY QUEEN (Competition 13+ | Feature film)
Guest online: 4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Christoffer Sandler, director of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING (Competition 13+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema
Nikki Hanseblad, actress of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING
Guest online: 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Del Kathryn Barton, director of the film BLAZE (Competition 16+ | Youngsters)
Guest online: 8:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Christoffer Sandler, director of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING (Competition 13+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 8:30 a.m. | Cinéma

Michael van Ostade, director, Screenwriter and Actor of the film THE GHASTLY BROTHERS (Competition 8+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Sara Sjøø, screenwriter of the film MINI-ZLATAN AND UNCLE DARLING (Competition 8+ | Feature film)
Guest online: 11 a.m. | DFF Cinéma

Mayye Zayed, director of the film LIFT LIKE A GIRL (360°)
Guest online: 4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Yara Storp, actress of the film ONE IN A MILLION (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)
Guest at the cinema: 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Olad Aden is an African-German-American Street Social Worker, Photographer and Videographer based in Berlin, Germany. In this capacity he has initiated and facilitated a number of youth exchange programs like “The BronxBerlinConnection“. Together with a group of Social Workers and teaching artists he has been conducting the project „ZwischenWelten“ in the youth detention facility Berlin.
He is a Guest for the film THE CAVE OF ADULLAM (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)
Guest at the cinema: 9 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Christoffer Sandler, director of the film SO DAMN EASY GOING (Competition 13+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 10:30 a.m. | Cinéma

Michael van Ostade, director, screenwriter and actor of the film THE GHASTLY BROTHERS (Competition 8+ | Feature film)
Guest at the cinema: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma and 2 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Yara Storp, actress of the film ONE IN A MILLION (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)
Guest at the cinema: 11 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Yara Storp, actress of the film ONE IN A MILLION (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)
Guest at the cinema: 9:45 a.m. | Kino im Hafen 2

Olad Aden is an African-German-American Street Social Worker, Photographer and Videographer based in Berlin, Germany. In this capacity he has initiated and facilitated a number of youth exchange programs like “The BronxBerlinConnection“. Together with a group of Social Workers and teaching artists he has been conducting the project „ZwischenWelten“ in the youth detention facility Berlin.
He is a Guest for the film THE CAVE OF ADULLAM (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)
Guest at the cinema: 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Olad Aden is an African-German-American Street Social Worker, Photographer and Videographer based in Berlin, Germany. In this capacity he has initiated and facilitated a number of youth exchange programs like “The BronxBerlinConnection“. Together with a group of Social Workers and teaching artists he has been conducting the project „ZwischenWelten“ in the youth detention facility Berlin.
He is a Guest for the film THE CAVE OF ADULLAM (Competition 13+ | Feature Film)
Guest at the cinema: 8 a.m. | Cinéma

Sponsors & Partners 2022

LUCAS welcomes its guests to

and online in cooperation with

Media partners