THE FAITHFUL, ABSOLUTE ESCALATION. That’s what makes a good dis­as­ter movie for Anton (18). He and his class­ma­tes from the Albert Einstein School in Schwalbach have let the world come to an end seve­ral times at LUCAS: The »Classics.Class« pres­ents three mile­sto­nes of the dis­as­ter gen­re in the cinema.

The ship of dreams sinks, lava flows, an ear­th­qua­ke crus­hes San Francisco and Godzilla stomps Tokyo: in more than 20 films that the »Classics.Class« have view­ed for LUCAS #44, no stone is left untur­ned. Very fit­ting with the cur­rent spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on KATASTROPHE. What comes after the end? At the DFF, this gen­re was on the agen­da for the gra­de 12 reli­gi­on class. On their foray through film histo­ry from SAN FRANCISCO (US 1936, D: W. S. Van Dyke, David Wark Griffith) to TITANIC (US 1997, D: James Cameron) to DIE WOLKE (DE 2006, D: Gregor Schnitzler) and in cura­ting work­shops, the group sel­ec­ted films for the fes­ti­val week appro­pria­te for the age groups of the fes­ti­val audi­ence. Pithy cha­rac­ters, human arro­gan­ce, or force majeu­re: the »Classics.Class« found that the struc­tu­re of film­ed dis­as­ter sto­ries have long been very simi­lar. What makes the sel­ec­ted works out­stan­ding and tim­e­l­ess clas­sics? What can we still learn from the­se films about people’s rela­ti­onship towards dis­as­ters today? Cinema goers will find this out and more in this series, cura­ted, accom­pa­nied, and mode­ra­ted by the »Classics.Class«.

Click here for the »Classics.Class« film sel­ec­tion and tickets

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