Whiplash. USA 2014. Director: Damien Chazelle. Screenplay: Damien Chazelle. Feature film. 106 Min. OV w/Eng. Sub. Suitable from age 12.

Andrew stri­ves for per­fec­tion at any cost. Under the gui­dance of a mer­ci­less music tea­cher, the talen­ted young jazz drum­mer vol­un­t­a­ri­ly sacri­fices ever­y­thing and ever­yo­ne — huma­ni­ty included. Damien Chazelle alre­a­dy pro­du­ced the sto­ry a year ear­lier as a short film that achie­ved cult sta­tus. In the elec­tri­fy­ing music film WHIPLASH, Miles Teller (Andrew) and J.K. Simmons duel on the most inten­se acting per­for­mance, inclu­ding injuries.

Available in the cinema

FR, 1.10. | 5:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

This film is part of the Young European Cinephiles section

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