The Minis at LUCAS

WITH THE “MINIS” THE VERY YOUNGEST CAN DISCOVER THE DIVERSE WORLD OF THE MOVING IMAGE! In a crea­ti­ve and playful way, they get invol­ved with a wide varie­ty of nar­ra­ti­ve forms, actively reac­ting to abs­tract and expe­ri­men­tal films that offer them ple­nty of room for ima­gi­na­ti­on. Two short film pro­grams invi­te child­ren from three to six years, par­ents and day­ca­re cen­ters to join in. With the model pro­ject “Cinemini on Tour,” the DFF and num­e­rous European part­ners keep the­se short films on hand. A tre­asu­re tro­ve of films from the ear­ly days to the pre­sent day, from avant-gar­de to nar­ra­ti­ve ani­ma­ted films, awaits the young fes­ti­val visi­tors. Teaching mate­ri­als and acti­vi­ties com­ple­ment the films. 

Program 1: Twist & Turn

In “Twist & Turn” ever­y­thing is in moti­on. Nothing stands still. Marbles sway and roll in all direc­tions, ink and lines dance to the beat of the music and a dog moves with his best fri­end, his own tail. Together, the young audi­ence looks, lis­tens, moves and dances to five uni­que and fun­ny films, one of them is even older than 100 years.

Program 2: Frame the world

When a film shows us the world, it does so through a rec­tan­gu­lar frame. What we see is only a limi­t­ed space. Each image reflects a per­so­nal point of view. In films we look at the world through the eyes of ano­ther. “Frame the world” chal­lenges our per­cep­ti­on. It shows us how move­ment can be mani­pu­la­ted in cine­ma, that it is dif­fi­cult to obser­ve ever­y­thing in a public place, or that a detail in the land­scape can hide a won­derful secret. 


For the pro­gramm and tickets, click here:


FR/HU/NL/DE 1896–2017. D: div.


FR/HU/IT/DE 1896–2017. D: div.

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