Shadow Game. Netherlands 2021. Director:  Eefje Blankevoort, Els Van Driel. Screenplay:  Eefje Blankevoort. 94 Min. Dokumentary. Language: English, Arab, Kurdish, Persian, Pashto. Subtitles: English. Suitable from age 12. Recommended from age 16.

They call it „The Game“ but it is a life-threa­tening endea­vor. Alone or as a group, ado­le­s­cents try to reach the EU through the Balcan rou­te. They sleep under motor­way bridges, tra­ver­se raging rivers at sub-zero tem­pe­ra­tures at night and hide in trains and trucks. It is an Odyssey which they docu­ment on TikTok and Instagram. Over WhatsApp they keep in cont­act with their fami­lies. If the bor­der poli­ce cat­ches the minors, they have to expect mistre­at­ments and ille­gal push­backs. Their mobi­le pho­nes beco­me film came­ras and show us clo­se-up that the fort­ress Europe does not want them. But a return to their home count­ries is no option.

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LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Educational material

Filmography (togehter)



Els van Driel is a jour­na­list and direc­tor. As part of her work for IKON tele­vi­si­on she direc­ted the docu­men­ta­ry series MENSJESRECHTEN, which addres­ses child­ren’s rights. Eefje Blankevoort is a jour­na­list, plans inter­ac­ti­ve pro­jects and exhi­bi­ti­ons and directs documentaries.

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