The Last Picture Show. USA 1971. Director: Peter Bogdanovich. Screenplay: Larry McMurtry, Peter Bogdanovich. 118 Min. Feature film. OV w/Eng. Sub. Suitable from age 12.

This key work of New Hollywood cele­bra­tes cine­ma as a gre­at dream machi­ne, becau­se it knows rowing up is not easy, espe­ci­al­ly not in a small Texas town in the 1950s. Everywhere the­re is was­te­land, bore­dom, and social numb­ness. Nevertheless, the young peo­p­le are tire­less­ly sear­ching for hap­pi­ness in love affairs, the gambling hall and, of cour­se, in the cine­ma. For the youngs­ters, the cine­ma ope­ra­tor Sam, is the only adult who comes into ques­ti­on as a gui­ding figu­re. However, when he sud­den­ly dies, the cine­ma also clo­ses. The prot­ago­nists attend the last scree­ning, which marks their ent­ry into adult­hood and beco­mes a sym­bol of the end of the American dream.

Available in the cinema

TU, 5.10. | 5:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

This film is pre­sen­ted by Blickwinkel Jetzt

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