Clara est Partie. CA 2021. Director: Danyk Grenier. 14 Min. Feature film. OV w/Eng. sub. and Ger. Voice-over. Suitable from age 6.

Simon is dri­ven by the thought of fin­ding the miss­ing Clara. While the poli­ce put pres­su­re on him, he suf­fers from night­ma­res and visi­ons. Together with his bud­dy Ben, he sets out to search for Clara. (SiS) 

After the cine­ma pre­mie­re, the short film will be available on LUCAS-Streaming until 23.12.2022.

Extra and Get Involved!

LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Teaching material in German


2021 CLARA EST PARTIE (short film) | 2020 ET DEMAIN, LA TEMÊTE (short film)

Production com­pa­ny
École des médi­as de l’UQAM


Danyk Grenier gra­dua­ted from UQAM in Montreal in 2020 with a degree in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons. Since then, he has spe­cia­li­zed in screen­wri­ting. He has also direc­ted a few short films.

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