Film guests at LUCAS #44

At LUCAS the­re are film talks after every scree­ning becau­se the inten­si­ve exch­an­ge tog­e­ther with the film­ma­kers about what has been seen is at the heart of a film festival.

LUCAS wel­co­mes film guests on site at the cine­ma and all film scree­nings are accom­pa­nied by film media­tors. Due to the pan­de­mic, new dis­cus­sion for­mats have also been deve­lo­ped: the fes­ti­val offers live online con­ver­sa­ti­ons with film­ma­kers after the scree­ning and, as part of a “Get Involved!” pro­ject, pre-recor­ded online film talks bet­ween young LUCAS alum­ni and inter­na­tio­nal film­ma­kers have been crea­ted for nine com­pe­ti­ti­on films.

An over­view of the curr­ent­ly con­firm­ed guests can be found here

The pre-recor­ded online film talks can be found here.

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