Hygiene measures

Face covering
You are required to wear a face mask (FFP2 and medical masks) in all buildings and at the cinema until you reach your seat. The mask can be removed during the screening.

Contact registration
On the day of the event, bring a printed attendance list in a sealed envelope with the names of all students and accompanying persons and the contact details of your educational institution. This list will be kept safe for contact tracing in the event of exposure in a cinema and will be disposed of for possible prosecution of an infection incident and will be disposed of after two weeks.
You can find a form here.

Confirmation of a negative covid-19 certificate
At the moment a visit to the cinema is only possible with one of the following documents: a certified proof of recovery, a negative COVID Test (no self-tests and no test results older than 24 hours), or proof of full vaccination which must be presented at the entrance along with the completed contact form.

Arrival & performance start
It is possible to stay in the entrance and foyer area 30 minutes before the start of the event. Please be at the cinema on time. Entering after the start of the event is not possible.

Distancing and seating
Each school class is socially distanced and kept together. Keep your distance from everyone else. Please note that the restrooms can only be used by a few people at a time. Assigned seats must be respected, there is no free choice of seats this year. Check with the cinema to find out which rows of seats are reserved for your class. Please ensure that your school class occupies the rows of seats in an “orderly” manner.

Sweets & Drinks
Not every cinema is able to offer sweets and beverages this year. If you are interested, please ask us and order ahead what you and your class would like to buy at the cinema.