Hygiene measures

Face covering 

You are requi­red to wear a face mask (FFP2 and medi­cal masks) in all buil­dings and at the cine­ma until you reach your seat. The mask can be remo­ved during the screening.

Contact registration 

On the day of the event, bring a prin­ted atten­dance list in a sea­led enve­lo­pe with the names of all stu­dents and accom­pany­ing per­sons and the cont­act details of your edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­on. This list will be kept safe for cont­act tra­cing in the event of expo­sure in a cine­ma and will be dis­po­sed of for pos­si­ble pro­se­cu­ti­on of an infec­tion inci­dent and will be dis­po­sed of after two weeks.
You can find a form here. 

Confirmation of a negative covid-19 certificate 

At the moment a visit to the cine­ma is only pos­si­ble with one of the fol­lo­wing docu­ments: a cer­ti­fied pro­of of reco­very, a nega­ti­ve COVID Test (no self-tests and no test results older than 24 hours), or pro­of of full vac­ci­na­ti­on which must be pre­sen­ted at the ent­rance along with the com­ple­ted cont­act form.   


Arrival & performance start 

It is pos­si­ble to stay in the entrance and foy­er area 30 minu­tes befo­re the start of the event. Please be at the cinema on timeEntering after the start of the event is not pos­si­ble. 

Distancing and seating 

Each school class is soci­al­ly distanced and kept tog­e­ther. Keep your distance from ever­yo­ne else. Please note that the rest­rooms can only be used by a few peo­p­le at a time. Assigned seats must be respec­ted, the­re is no free choice of seats this year. Check with the cine­ma to find out which rows of seats are reser­ved for your class. Please ensu­re that your school class occu­p­ies the rows of seats in an “order­ly” man­ner. 

Sweets & Drinks  

Not every cine­ma is able to offer sweets and bever­a­ges this year. If you are inte­res­ted, plea­se ask us and order ahead what you and your class would like to buy at the cinema.

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