FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE SEA FASCINATED AND MADDENED AT THE SAME TIME, a 6th grade class at Frankfurt’s Schillerschule explores the mysterious underwater sea and delves into the world of a brave girl whose fate hangs on the back of a whale. At LUCAS, the »Classics.Class« presents the New Zealand film WHALE RIDER.
How do whales breathe and live? And what species of whales are there anyway? These and other questions move the students of the Schillerschule. Based on the current special exhibition REPTURE OF THE DEEP. Film under water, they present the young film classic WHALE RIDER in the DFF cinema. Beforehand, they get to the bottom of the secrets of the sea during a visit to the Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt. In accompanying workshops, the school class discusses with experts the extent to which the whale habitat on the east coast of New Zealand depicted in the film can stand up to scientific scrutiny. The »Classics.Class« presents its results after the screening.

For the »Classics.Class« film selection and tickets, click here: