WHAT IS IMPORTANT FOR VERY YOUNG KIDS IN THE CINEMA? It’s about dis­co­ve­ring the diver­se world of moving images in a crea­ti­ve and playful way. In »Minis« child­ren from the age of three can explo­re their love for film with all their sen­ses. Two short film pro­grams from the European model pro­ject “Cinemini on Tour” invi­te child­ren, par­ents and day-care cen­tres to join in.

Children enjoy moving images and easi­ly enga­ge with a wide varie­ty of nar­ra­ti­ve forms, actively respon­ding to abs­tract and expe­ri­men­tal films that lea­ve them with ple­nty of room for ima­gi­na­ti­on. With the pro­ject “Cinemini on Tour”, the DFF and num­e­rous European part­ners have such short films – a tre­asu­re tro­ve of films from the ear­ly days to the pre­sent day, from avant-gar­de to nar­ra­ti­ve ani­ma­ted films – rea­dy for child­ren aged three to six, par­ents and edu­ca­tors. Accompanying mate­ri­als and acti­vi­ties com­ple­ment the films. Through vie­w­ing, play­ing and reflec­ting, crea­ti­vi­ty and cri­ti­cal thin­king are sti­mu­la­ted and a love of film could be awakened.

Program 1: Frame the World

When a film shows us the world, it does so through a frame. What we see is a limi­t­ed space. Each image demons­tra­tes a per­so­nal view. In films, we always look at the world through someone else’s eyes. FRAME THE WORLD chal­lenges our per­cep­ti­on. It shows us how move­ment can be mani­pu­la­ted through cine­ma, that it is dif­fi­cult to obser­ve ever­y­thing in a public place, and that a detail in the land­scape can hide won­derful secrets.

This short film pro­gram com­ple­ments the docu­men­ta­ry focus of LUCAS #44 for the very youn­gest cinemagoers.

Click here for the film pro­gram and tickets.

Program 2: A Splash of Color

In A SPLASH OF COLOR, color plays the lea­ding role: an exci­ting jour­ney through ani­ma­ti­on and expe­ri­men­tal movies that leads back to the ori­g­ins of film. Unique short films that make it pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence the aes­the­tic effects of color.

Thanks to the Cinemini Activity Cards dis­play­ed in the cine­ma, the­re is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sol­ve exci­ting tasks after each film or to be inspi­red by the films as well as to get crea­ti­ve yours­elf – with a good splash of color, of course!

Click here for the film pro­gram and tickets.

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