Sidewalk Stories. US 1989. Director: Charles Lane. Screenplay: Charles Lane. 98 min. Feature film. OV w/Eng. sub. FSK 6. Recommended from age 12.

On the edge of New York’s Wall Street, a young artist tri­es to make a living with por­trait dra­wings of passers­by. One night he finds a litt­le girl on a cor­ner of a side street girl who­se father has just been mur­de­red. While he looks after her and sear­ches for her mother, he expe­ri­en­ces a tra­gi­co­mic odys­sey with many fun­ny and sad encoun­ters on the streets of the metro­po­lis. In this film, Charles Lane uses almost no dia­lo­gue  and shows once again the cla­ri­ty with which silent films can tell stories.

Dates and cine­ma tickets

TU, 11.10. | 6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

This film is pre­sen­ted by Blickwechsel Jetzt!

Extras und Mitmischen!

LUCAS im Kino


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