Dark Waters. US 2019. Director: Todd Haynes. Screenplay: Mario Correa, Matthew Michael Carnahan. 126 min. Feature film. OV w/Ger. sub. FSK 6. Recommended from age 14.

The judi­cial dra­ma tells the true sto­ry of Rob Bilott, the lawy­er who sin­gle-han­dedly brought the so-cal­led Teflon scan­dal to light: In 1998, two far­mers in West Virginia bring his atten­ti­on to a lar­ge num­ber of cows that have died mys­te­rious­ly. Was DuPont behind it, one of the world’s lar­gest che­mi­cal com­pa­nies, for which the con­sci­en­tious lawy­er also works? Despite the con­flict-of-inte­rest Bilott wants to sol­ve the case. He quick­ly finds incri­mi­na­ting evi­dence that points to an envi­ron­men­tal scan­dal of immense pro­por­ti­ons. A long and drawn-out tri­al is approa­ching, that could cost him his repu­ta­ti­on, his per­so­nal hap­pi­ness, and his health.

Dates and cine­ma tickets

WE, 12.10. | 6 p.m.| DFF Cinema

This film is pre­sen­ted by Youth Advisory Council

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