Young European Cinephiles

THE “YECs” BRING EUROPEAN FILM CULTURE TO FRANKFURT. The six young peo­p­le from Georgia, Italy and Germany pre­sent their own sel­ec­tion of films to the LUCAS audi­ence and look for­ward to an open exch­an­ge in the cine­ma. The the­me of the Cinephiles this year: “Power”!

Society and poli­tics have always nego­tia­ted ques­ti­ons of power. As a reflec­tion of the zeit­geist, film has been reve­al­ing power struc­tures sin­ce its begin­ning: bet­ween indi­vi­du­als in inten­se psy­cho­dra­mas, in docu­men­ta­ries about poli­ti­cal intri­gue, or in pro­pa­gan­da films that seek to gui­de our thin­king. By its reach and popu­la­ri­ty alo­ne, film has enorm­ous power to influence peo­p­le. “Cinema is an extre­me­ly powerful way to tell powerful mes­sa­ges to peo­p­le”, sum­ma­ri­zes Bianca from Bologna.

Since spring, the Young European Cinephiles have been stu­dy­ing the many forms and effects of power in inten­si­ve online work­shops. Their goal is to cura­te their own film series. On the occa­si­on of the coope­ra­ti­on with the fes­ti­val “Politik im Freien Theater” (Politics in Free Theater), three films will be shown at LUCAS that ques­ti­on aut­ho­ri­ty, unco­ver domi­nant struc­tures and the explo­ra­ti­on of (their own) boun­da­ries. The young cine­phi­les pre­sent their film sel­ec­tion for dis­cus­sion after each screening.

Caspar from Frankfurt, for exam­p­le, is inte­res­ted in how peo­p­le rela­te to power: “Do they want to sei­ze it, do they want to share it, do they want to hide it, do they want to hide from it?” Marianna from Tbilisi adds, “It is a fasci­na­ting chall­enge for view­ers to detect and iden­ti­fy ways the the­me of power can be impli­ed in dif­fe­rent films.” We agree and accept the chall­enge, tog­e­ther with you.

Berenike Vogt (21, Deutschland)
Bianca Giannini (16, Italien)
Caspar Hahnemann (21, Deutschland)
Mariam Labauri (17, Georgien)
Emma Cinti (17, Italien)
Marianna Gavasheli (17, Georgien)

For the Young European Cinephiles film sel­ec­tion and tickets click here:


GB 1963. D: Peter Brook.


CA 2014. D: Xavier Dolan.


GE/FR/IT 2019. D: Uta Beria.

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