Mommy. CA 2014. Director: Xavier Dolan. Screenplay: Xavier Dolan. 139 min. Feature film. OV w/Ger. sub. FSK 12. Recommended from age 14.

The reso­lu­te Diane loves her 15-year-old son Steve more than any­thing, even though his extre­me out­bursts of rage and vio­lence dri­ves her cra­zy. Since the death of his father Steve has gone through a series of homes for child­ren who are dif­fi­cult to rai­se. Now he comes back to his mother becau­se no one else can hand­le him. Yet Diane is over­whel­med by the world even wit­hout her unru­ly son. Unexpectedly, she gets help from the taci­turn neigh­bor Kyla, who mana­ges to crea­te a balan­ce in the mother-son relationship.

Opening film of the 45. LUCAS film festival

Dates and cine­ma tickets

TH, 6.10. | 8:30 p.m.| DFF Cinema

This film is part of the Young European Cinephiles sel­ec­tion

Extras und Mitmischen!

LUCAS im Kino


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